
Today is my birthday

Today is my birthday. I turn 30. I can honestly say that, while I knew it was going to happen, I always felt like it was so far away. And then it happened. Just like that. So far, many people have quipped, “you’re turning 21 today, right?” I laugh, but it makes me think, “Why do we care so much about 30?” After all, it’s just a number. And I don’t want to be 21. I am in a much better place now than I was at 21. To me, it’s not the aging that scares me—it’s allowing time to pass with nothing to show for it that is terrifying. My 20’s were a time of miraculous growth and change. I spent the first eight years of my adult life living in a completely different environment and culture than the one I had grown up. I got married, had three kids, bought two separate houses, had multiple jobs, finished one degree and started another, and drank a lot of Dr. Pepper. I also grew personally—a lot. Especially in this last year. I have read many articles that talk about things you should